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The Cat Who Went to Heaven.
This is the story of a Buddhist painter and
his cat. The painter got the chance of his life, he was told to make a
picture of Buddha in heaven. Everything would have been fine, but cats
are said to be wicked animals because when Buddha needed help, all animals
came except the cat. The painter loved his cat very much and he couldn’t
bear leaving it out so he drew it. When a priest came over to see the painting
he was shocked. He told the painter that this was the worst job he ever
did and was about to rip it when suddenly Buddha’s hand in the picture
moved to cover the cat. The book is very kind and teaches of love for cats
(very important!). I disagree with Buddhists on the matter of cats, but
at least they merely ignore us. There used to be other cults who either
sacrificed us, or even burned us as witches. (See the article Let's
Settle This Once and For All).
The Cat Who Wished to be a Man
A very interesting story about a cat with an
unnatural (and rather stupid) desire: he wanted to become a man! His human
friend wisely warned him against this but to no avail. The stubborn cat
had his wish fulfilled and armed with unsatisfiable curiosity the ignorant
feline strolled off into town. In the beginning everything went well. But
soon the cat got himself into trouble (only to be expected, going about
as a human like that!). Still the cat sees good stuff in a human's life
and becomes so human in a few days that his human friend is unable to turn
him back to a cat. And so man he stays (a good lesson to him). To
my mind this is all impossible, and not only because of the changing from
cat to human; no sane feline would want to be a human. The thousands of
daily dangers, the risk... plus no one will clean the litter box! Nevertheless
this book is quite enjoyable and funny.
Time Cat
Jason, the main character, and many other humans
believe that a cat has nine lives. For most cats this isn't true, but once
in every few generations a special cat is born that has nine lives. The
lives of this cat can be in any place and at any time. Jason's cat, Gareth,
is one of these "Novevivas". One day Gareth decides to show Jason his lives,
which is a very irresponsible thing to do: humans are usually too stupid
to grasp time travel and would upon return submit the cause of it, namely
the cat, to some secret service or other. Luckily Jason is a good supporting
staff member and didn't betray Gareth. This is a very good book and shows
humans' attitude to cats at different times through the ages.
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