The Manx Cat from the Isle of
Man is one of the oldest breeds of domestic cat. It is a sturdy, rounded,
thick-coated short-haired cat with short front legs and long back legs.
The tailless rump is higher than the shoulders. The head is large and broad.
There are four recognized categories of Manx Cat:
1. ‘The Rumpy’, completely tailless. This is the true Manx Cat, with
a small hollow where its tail should be.
2. ‘The Rumpy Riser’, with one, two or three vertebrae fused to the
end of the spine, giving the animal a tiny knob where the tail should be.
3. ‘The Stumpy’, with one, two or three normal tail vertebrae, giving
the animal a short but movable tail-stump.
4. ‘The Longy’, with an almost full-length tail.
It is characterized as active, hardy, lively,
mischievous, playful, faithful, affectionate, speedy, patient, shy, docile,
calm, quiet, doleful, undemanding and intelligent.
Color forms: GCCF accepts all color forms except for Siamese
markings. CFA does not permit chocolate, lavender or the Himalayan pattern.
There is a long-haired version of the Manx
Cat, known as Cymric.
Further reading for Manx lovers:
Manx Cats; Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Grooming, and
Behavior (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Karen Commings.
The Manx: The Cat With No Tail by Jennifer Quasha.
Manx Cats by Stuart A. Kallen.