Donskoy Sphynx

      The Donskoy Sphynx is a Russian breed that originated from the town of Rostov-on-Don. Its main characteristic is its lack of hair. The hairless cat who became the founder of the breed was discovered in 1987 in Rostov-on-Don. In 1996 the breed was registered in the WCF. The Donskoy Sphynx is very physically different from the Canadian Sphynx, so there is little or no connection between them.

              The Donskoy Sphynx has well-developed lungs, a compact muscular body and a rounded tummy. The paws have long fingers (or toes or whatever) that make them look like little hands, pads are very plump. Te brow is wide. The ears are gigantic as you can see on the photograph. The eyes are almond-shaped. The face is short, with large cheek-bones and a powerful chin; it has been described as "bulldoggish" (even though I am much tempted I won't start describing humans, but if I did "flat-faced as a run over hedgehog" would be a compliment).
     One of my human friends said about the Donskoy Sphynx: "He is such a touching ugly creature."

To find out more about the Sphynxes, click here.

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